The US government is not immune to the built-in obsolescence of today’s electronic devices. Hundreds of thousands of employees use millions of electronic devices, and their asset reporting and data management concerns differ by department and location, all adding up to a massive amount of risk if not handled properly. In 2015 a presidential order to maintain the US government’s leadership in sustainability. One of the first significant steps to fulfilling that goal is the creation of The National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship (NSES). This may standardize the federal government’s disposal of electronic goods, but state and local agencies all have their own regulations and requirements.
Tri-Star Recycling has experience working with organizations such as the USDA, DEA, and city governments to offer straightforward solutions that simplify evolving regulations. Let us make things easier for your department by providing a plan that meets your needs. TSR offers sustainable government e-waste disposal services, and whether you need to recycle a computer containing sensitive information or an old fax machine, TSR guarantees your data will be secure and your hardware recycled.
Our mission is zero landfill. Period.
Tri-Star Recycling upholds a zero-landfill mission, which means all equipment that has been broken down to component level is processed only through other certified companies. Our downstream vendors, or DSVs, share our zero-landfill mission. Located centrally in Nashville, TN, we serve all municipalities and the state of Tennessee, and federal offices are located near and far. Contact us today online or call (615)265-8101 for more information about how our services can comply with the most stringent government requirements.